The five best ladders we tested in 2021

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Image of a person standing on Gorilla GLX-58 in a kitchen for best ladders of 2021

  • Here are our summit picks for the all-time ladders you can buy
  • Methodology
  • The best ladder overall
  • Best footstep stool
  • All-time multi-function ladder
  • Best lightweight ladder
  • Best extension ladder
  • What else we considered
  • What kind of ladder should you purchase?
  • FAQs
  • Check out our other DIY and tool buying guides
  • A reliable ladder is essential for completing all sorts of tasks chop-chop and safely.
  • We chose the Gorilla GLX-5B as our best option due to its lightweight only sturdy construction.
  • We besides included Werner, Rubbermaid, and other brands trusted past homeowners and professionals akin.
  • Read more well-nigh how Insider Reviews tests home products here.

By assuasive y'all to achieve beyond your standing height, ladders enable you to tackle diverse projects you otherwise might hire a contractor for or just put off birthday. As long as they're used safely, ladders are an invaluable slice of equipment to take effectually.

Ladders can be intimidating if you lot're not experienced with them, and this is certainly understandable. Ladder accidents and injuries are mutual and account for over 100 deaths per year, according to the Centers for Disease Command.

Following the safety guidelines put forth past the Occupational Safety & Wellness Assistants (OSHA) tin significantly reduce accidents. Review this Portable Ladder Safety Menu before you even gear up up the ladder. Though ladders come up with some risk, they're much safer than climbing on counters or wobbly furniture to get the height you lot want.

As a former residential and commercial carpenter, I've worked in large-calibration construction job sites and small apartments, both of which required various ladders. I've used this personal experience and the expertise of several experts in structure, painting, and dwelling remodeling to put together this guide.

Y'all can read more about our methodology here and become some guidance on what type of ladder to choose here.

Here are our top picks for the best ladders y'all tin purchase

  • Best ladder overall: Gorilla GLX-5B Dual-Platform Aluminum Ladder
  • Best footstep stool: Rubbermaid RMA-two-COM two-Step Aluminum Footstep Stool
  • Best multi-function ladder: Gorilla MPXA Reach xviii-Foot Multi-Position Aluminum Ladder
  • Best lightweight ladder: Little Behemothic 15270-001 Flip-N-Lite 6-Foot Aluminum Stepladder
  • Best extension ladder: Werner D6228-2 Fiberglass Extension Ladder


For details on reliable ladder brands and ladder safety, I spoke with three experts: Nick Yahoodain of Advanced Builders & Contractors in Los Angeles, California; Brad Bolinger, PPG Industries product manager; and Danny Cundiff, PPG Industries national accounts projection managing director.

Afterward consulting with these experts and using my personal experience with ladders as a residential carpenter, I compiled a listing of x potential options. Afterward additional inquiry and comparisons, I narrowed my choices downwardly to the five you come across here. I tested each ladder, except for the extension ladder; I relied on input from PPG to make the best selection.

During my testing, I took the time to carry, position, and assemble each ladder and utilize and interact with any accessories or features they had. I noted how easy — or difficult — each unit was to extend or manipulate and how much their weight and sturdiness afflicted how secure I felt while climbing.

The best ladder overall


If you're looking for a reliable, versatile ladder for general domicile utilise, the Gorilla GLX-5B Dual-Platform Aluminum Ladder delivers, providing a rock-solid frame and a variety of convenient features.

Pros: Affordable, piece of cake to operate, project saucepan included

Cons: Aluminum frame is not recommended for use around electric wiring

The first thing that caught my attention when using the Gorilla GLX-5B ladder was how easy it was to operate. Its plastic handle and smooth mechanics allow it to pop right open, even 1-handed. That makes information technology particularly useful for tasks that involve transporting a lot of gear and supplies, similar large painting projects.

Another fundamental feature I loved almost the Gorilla GLX-5B was its dual platform pattern. By giving you two tiptop options to choose from, this model lets y'all position yourself closer to your piece of work expanse, which reduces your chances of losing your balance while you work.

In add-on to the standard top cap with cutouts for organizing tools and fasteners, the Gorilla GLX-5B also includes a removable project saucepan. This bucket attaches deeply to the top of the ladder, providing valuable storage space for paint supplies, hand tools, or other project accessories. Y'all shop it in the ladder's frame when not in utilise, so it doesn't go lost in the garage or shed.

Stability is essential when it comes to setting up and climbing ladders. The slip-resistant feet of the Gorilla GLX-5B reduce the chances of it slipping or sliding around. These feet are besides non-marring, minimizing the chances of damaging or scuffing hardwood floors.

Fifty-fifty though the Gorilla GLX-5B is packed with all these handy features, it tin can still fold up to just iv.2 inches deep. This design is one of the reasons why Bolinger, a PPG Industries product manager, chose this ladder. "The main reason was its slim design when stored," he said. "It came with the projection bucket on top, and it's lightweight."

Best multi-role ladder


The versatile Gorilla MPXA Reach 18-Foot Multi-Position Aluminum Ladder allows you lot to tackle a range of home DIY tasks , and its rugged construction is durable enough for heavy-duty projects.

Pros: Durable, can accept the place of multiple ladders

Cons: Heavy and beefy

Capable of providing an xviii-pes reach and supporting upwardly to 300 pounds, the Gorilla MPXA Accomplish ladder is ideal for those who regularly tackle various tasks.

You tin set up upwardly the ladder in several configurations. Use it as an A-frame, extension, or xc-degree wall ladder. I constitute it easy to operate in all its formats. Though it was a bit heavy, I was able to switch between these options rapidly and easily.

Safety is the most important affair to keep in heed when selecting a ladder, and the Gorilla MPXA delivers. Its wide-flared legs, combined with slip-resistant foot pads, provide the stability yous need to give yourself a secure, stable platform.

Its Gorilla Grip locks and oversized hinges make the ladder extra-sturdy, ensuring that the unit is secure after adjusting. I appreciated these features when using the Gorilla outdoors while rotating the ladder around a palm tree I was trimming.

Even though the Gorilla MPXA isn't the lightest ladder on the marketplace, its weight is yet decent for a multi-function model.

Gorilla is widely respected as a quality manufacturer and offers this type of multi-part ladder in a range of sizes. The 18-foot version is the all-time residuum of size and function for most homes, but there are shorter and taller models if those adjust your needs better.

Best lightweight ladder

Little Behemothic

Even though it merely weighs fourteen pounds, the Little Giant 15270-001 Flip-North-Low-cal 6-Foot Aluminum Stepladder is sturdy enough to back up upwardly to 300 pounds and provides a wide platform for standing.

Pros: High max reach of 10 anxiety 3 inches, condom feet add together stability

Cons: Plastic components aren't as durable as metal

What makes the Little Giant Flip-Northward-Low-cal so cracking, apart from being extremely light for its size, is its release handle that unlocks the ladder when you're ready to open up it. This handle is built into the platform and keeps the ladder deeply closed, reducing the chances of information technology accidentally opening while y'all're carrying it effectually.

The Petty Giant Flip-N-Calorie-free is also piece of cake to open 1-handed. Its platform is a roomy xiii inches, and the remaining steps are 3 inches. These wide steps non merely make climbing the Fiddling Behemothic Flip-N-Low-cal more comfy, but they besides reduce the likelihood of sore and fatigued anxiety during all-day projects.

Sore anxiety are unsafe considering they can crusade you to constantly conform your foot placement to take the pressure off your arches, which increases your chances of losing your balance.

The biggest drawback to the Little Behemothic Flip-N-Low-cal is that its top cap doesn't provide much storage functionality. Information technology's but a basic tray for storing minor hand tools and fasteners. Without holes for your drill or screwdrivers, you'll have to rely on your tool chugalug a fleck more with other models. That said, the narrow design of the top cap can be easier to grip to assistance maintain your rest while climbing up and downwardly.

The light weight of the Lilliputian Behemothic Flip-N-Low-cal makes this an platonic pick for a multitude of users. Projects involving lots of moving around and repositioning of the ladder, like house painting, are much more enjoyable with a lightweight ladder like this. Also, since it's less of a hassle to movement, you'll exist less likely to endeavor and overreach.

Though 6 feet is platonic for almost homeowners, the Trivial Behemothic Flip-Northward-Light also comes in 4- and five-foot models.

Best extension ladder


Constructed of durable fiberglass and designed for easy operation, the Werner D6228-two Fiberglass Extension Ladder is well-suited for both the average DIY-er and professional person contractors.

Pros: 180-twenty-four hours return policy, pre-drilled holes permit for easy installation of accessories

Cons: Expensive, heavy

Cheers to its dual-action feet, y'all can use the Werner D6228-two extension ladder just as easily indoors as outdoors. Condom shoes provide a secure and solid grip, and they're too thick plenty to protect delicate interior flooring from scratches.

When used exterior on penetrable dirt, these feet flip out of the way to expose a spur plate that digs into the footing, providing secure footing. On the top of the ladder, mar-resistant finish caps do their function to protect walls and siding, every bit well equally the ladder itself.

Its gravity spring locks are the main reason why the Werner D6228-2 is then piece of cake to use, smoothly clicking along the rungs until they reach your desired elevation. Guides at the top of the base and bottom of the fly permit the two pieces to smoothly slide up and down, reducing unnecessary try by the user. If you prefer, you can remove the unabridged fly, leaving you with a lighter, compact base to use equally a standalone ladder.

An important safety feature of the Werner D6228-2 is its Traction-Tred D-rung steps. The unique shape makes for a secure fitting in the rails and prevents rotation. The durable fiberglass rails of the Werner extension ladder are not-conductive to electricity, making it ideal for utilise around unsafe power sources or ability lines.

Plus, the high-visibility orangish color of the Werner D6228-two makes any family members or coworkers less likely to accidentally crash-land into or trip over the ladder as you're using it.

Danny Cundiff, PPG Industries national accounts project manager, recommends Werner brand ladders in general. "Werner is kind of the gold standard for ladders at chore sites and at home," he said. "They're fiberglass, so they're light but strong and non conductive."

What else we considered

Gorilla 1-Step Plastic Stool: If you lot don't need the acme of a stepladder or don't accept room for one, the Gorilla 1-Step Plastic Stoolcould be a convenient alternative. Information technology merely gives you lot one foot of actress top, but it's also rugged enough to be used for heavy-duty jobs and can back up 300 pounds of weight. It folds upward for easy storage equally well, taking upwardly only 1 inch of space. Continue in mind that since the Gorilla is non a ladder-fashion stool, it is non OSHA or ANSI certified.

What kind of ladder should you buy?

1 of the primary factors that contributes to ladder accidents is using the incorrect type, so choosing the right model is especially important. From small stepladders that requite you lot those extra couple feet to accomplish the peak of the fridge to tall extension ladders capable of reaching your rooftop, there are a variety of ladder styles and sizes to cull from.

Information technology'southward of import to know the differences between these styles and the specific tasks they're best suited for to ensure that yous purchase the right model.

A-frame ladders: These are self-supporting, non-adaptable models designed to be folded upwardly when non in utilise. Nick Yahoodain of Advanced Builders and Contractors recommends A-frame ladders for the boilerplate homeowner due to their versatility and convenience. "They can be used equally standalone ladders in the middle of a room for changing low-cal fixtures or folded upward and leaned confronting the wall," he said. "Yous can fifty-fifty take ii A-frame ladders and use them to back up a scaffolding platform."

Y'all can hands store A-frame ladders by propping them upwardly against a wall, or you tin can hang them on a hook. A-frame ladders usually offer a multi-functional superlative cap that you can utilise to store tools and supplies while you work.

Pace stools: These are technically still A-frame ladders but are typically smaller and used for low-cal-duty tasks that crave just a couple of actress feet of acme. Their steps are usually designed to fold up along with the ladder itself, making them more compact and like shooting fish in a barrel to slide into a cupboard or next to the fridge for easy admission.  Their lightweight blueprint too makes them easier to maneuver around the dwelling than larger A-frame ladders.

Extension ladders: These are the tall, straight ladders that you'll typically see leaning against houses being painted. Essentially, they're ii ladders connected by a gear up of track or slides, allowing the entire unit to extend to the length of both ladders. The bottom ladder or base sits on the ground, while the meridian ladder, the fly, slides upwards with a rope and pulley system. At the desired superlative, a locking mechanism secures the fly into identify. Extension ladders are essential for high-elevation jobs like business firm painting, window washing, or roof piece of work. Their large size does make them heavier and more challenging to store than other ladder types.

Multi-position ladders: These ladders are designed with a series of hinges and telescopic legs, allowing yous to transform them into a variety of configurations and platforms. Multi-position ladders aren't as straightforward to use as other ladder styles, simply they can exist incredibly useful in one case you get the hang of them. By giving you the ability to adjust the length of either side, they're peculiarly handy for use on staircases, with one side on the basis and the shorter side sitting on the stairs. Yous can configure some models into a platform to use as scaffolding. The major drawback to multi-position ladders is that they tend to be heavy and take up more than room than other types.

Fiberglass versus aluminum: Virtually ladders are either fiberglass or aluminum, both of which take pros and cons. Fiberglass ladders are non-conductive to electricity, which is why they're recommended for use around power lines or other exposed electrical wiring. Aluminum ladders are normally lighter than fiberglass, making them easier to transport and carry around.

Ladder certification: Regardless of the ladder yous choose, e'er make certain that it meets or exceeds all applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and American National Standards Constitute (ANSI) standards for product quality and safety. I've made sure to confirm that all of the ladders in our guide run across these standards.


What'south the best method of securing a ladder?

If you're not able to secure your ladder correctly, you lot should either detect a ladder that tin or detect a different way to access your workspace, like scaffolding.

Since extension ladders lack the built-in support that A-frame ladders take, you lot sometimes need to secure them for extra support. Past securing the acme and base, you can reduce the chances of the bottom sliding out or top sliding from side to side.

If your ladder lacks the necessary nonslip feet, you lot can tie it to an existing structure, or you lot can create your ain by driving a pale into the footing. If you're on a woods deck, you can also nail a temporary cleat to the deck, which will provide a solid backstop to the feet of your ladder.

The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Condom provides more than advice for securing a ladder.

What's the best ladder for cleaning gutters?

The best ladder for cleaning gutters is a model that is at least 4 feet above the footstep yous're standing on, according to Ladders Direct. This allows you to safely reach the gutter without overstretching while nonetheless maintain three points of contact. An extension ladder such every bit the Werner D6228-2 is a great choice.

How do y'all climb a ladder?

The most important thing to remember is to make sure you maintain three points of contact when yous're climbing or descending your ladder. This means that two anxiety and one hand or ii hands and one foot are in contact with the steps and handrails. You should also brand certain to face the ladder when climbing up or downwards.

What's the best ladder make?

The all-time ladder brand for you depends on what you're planning on using it for. For extension ladders, Werner and Louisville are known as the height of their class. Gorilla and Trivial Behemothic ladders lead the pack when it comes to multi-purpose ladders that tin can transform into a multifariousness of styles.

What is the best type of ladder for indoor painting?

You'll want to make sure your ladder has a work platform on which you can place or hang any painting supplies, like buckets, brushes, or roller trays. You should as well make sure your ladder has non-marring feet that won't damage your interior flooring, in addition to providing a sturdy foundation.

How far should my extension ladder be positioned from the wall?

The 4-to-1 rule makes this easy to figure out. For every 4 feet of height, your ladder should be 1 human foot away from the back up wall. So if your ladder is 12 feet high, the base should be positioned 3 feet from the wall. This will prevent your ladder from beingness placed too far out, which tin can cause information technology to slip or collapse, or too shut, which makes information technology easier to accidentally fall backward.

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